Tuesday, October 8, 2024

LIFESICK : "Loved By None , Hated By All"

 This Danish hardcore band packs a punch that is more metallic than not. They take you back to the 90s when this style really began popping off. If you were a fan of Victory Records styled hardcore then these guys will appeal to you. If you just like in-your-face, hyper-aggressive metal you might also dig this. "Peace Through Superior Firepower " takes aim at the Military Industrial Complex.  There are moments of blast-beaten accents. The vocals are angry, somewhat similar to Itergrity in this approach. 

The guitar tones as crushing in the vein of Entombed with this album sounding like a "Wolverine Blues" tribute. Sometimes the vocals are more howled, they are always angry. A song like "Hollow Treats' displays how they prove you can be a hard-core band and still write nuanced songs with melodic touches. Another example of the difference between, metallic hardcore and metalcore. The big difference is the organic nature of their riffs. These guys are not only influenced by Entombed but you can hear how Obituary has played a role in their playing. They crush your head in with the breakdowns on this one. 

"The Mourning March" packs a punk. Less deliberate than the previous song, it still works for what they are doing. They keep the tempo to a reasonable speed. These guys do not allow their momentum to carry them away.  I will give this a 9.5, as they pull this together in the most aggressive manner possible while still writing songs with grooves. If you like 90s hardcore you should like this album.


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