Friday, October 4, 2024

Drug Church : "PRUDE"

 These guys came out blazing in all the right ways on their new album. It has a hard-core drive, but still some hooks and melody, though the vocals are more roared. "Myopic" even takes the moodiness further in a manner that makes me think of Bob Mould, but pumped up on modern hardcore production values. "Hey Listen" takes things to the late 90s as it feels like a collision between Jimmy Eat World and Hotwatermusic. "Demolition Man' stomps with the kind of groove to get you hyped and pointing at the microwave like it's the stage. These guys have never lacked grit this time it's refined into hooks. 

"Business Ethics" works off a more punk tension while stomping at a mid-tempo. "Slide 2 Me" has rough edges to its blue-collar feel, thanks to the raw guitar tone and the husky vocals. All the punches of "Chow" fall into place to create a great punk anthem, without resorting to being hyperactive. "the Bitters" is both catchy and in your face at the same time. The vocals yell at you more like drill sergeant until the chorus. Lyrically this album is pretty clever. It does not take political sides but makes observations on the big picture.  

Had to give "Yankee Trails " a couple of listens to form an opinion, but it. It makes me think of what Bruce Springsteen might sound like if he played punk. At a few points in the album it sounds like synths are mixed faintly behind the guitars. "Peer Review" is not a huge departure as it chugs along the familiar sonic ground for these guys as they talk about being shoulder to shoulder with scum, making fun of divided lines. I will give this album a 9.5, as it rocks in a solid direction for them while still being great nuanced songs. 


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