Wednesday, August 14, 2024

GEL : "Persona"

With the end of the world right around the corner, I would think more punk and metal bands would be angrier than they are. The industry is leaning in a kinder gentler direction with more inclusive pop sounds seeping into the music so it's good to have bands like New Jersey's GEL, bringing things right up in your face with their pumped-up punk. 2023's "Only Constant" won me over with the punk momentum not compromising the songwriting.  the energy leans more into the hard-core side, it throws more weight behind its punches. The straightforward punk rush of adrenaline pumps through the title track, with more deliberate breakdown-styled riffs breaking things up. 

The bass drives things going into "Martyr" to provide more nuance to the overall sound of these songs. It would be easy for the band to let their aggression carry them away and just hit you with anger, which would cast a monochrome shade over these songs. There is almost a more 90s hard-core feel to "Martyr". Sami Kaiser still screams in one direction, though her phrasing is not as uniform,, there are a few spoken parts that break things up. Overall the expansion of dynamics they needed on the previous album was slight since the raw energy expelled from them carried most of the weight, but everything has been dialed in to find the perfect balance on this one. 

"Vanity" is marginally darker due to the deliberate throb of the guitar. This album is more produced than the previous song, but still organic enough to maintain its charm. The guitar has a more metallic tone which plays into this being more of a hardcore record, though some of the more rock n roll-rooted punk sensibilities are still there the emphasis is just placed more of added heft to the guitars. Granted touring and playing large festivals had to have influenced the band. They have grown into who they are as a band without losing any intensity, I will give this one a 10. 



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