Friday, August 2, 2024

Show Me a Dinosaur : "Plantgazer"

I am not sure if this is supposed to be Russia's answer to Deafheaven , but it sounds like that might be the case. By the second song, the inclusion of sung vocals, and some of their approach to making the guitar sound shimmer, begins to set them apart from the other bands on Deafheaven's bandwagon. The post-rock side really takes over on "Red River" which launches the band down an expansive sonic drone. It is very effective in the mood it creates, and more Godspeedyoublackemperor than anything Deafheaven has dreamed of. This is where the album makes a turn and they prove themselves to me. 

This kind of music tends to get preoccupied with losing you in the hypnosis of its sound and does not really make catchy songs. These guys are not merchants selling you hooks but on "Selva" the bass and drums anchor things a different points of the song from different angles to make it interesting, rather than just letting you float off again."Unsaid 1"  is more of a chaotic black metal blur that does not really do much more than lash out at full throttle, While I appreciate the aggression taken against the listeners ears it's not the high light of the album. 

"Hum" is more song-oriented and wisely uses the black metal elements more sparingly rather than allowing them to run wild and devolve into a buzzing fest of blast beats. The post-rock side of this band is where most of the strength lies as a band. The last song works more of a cinematic shimmer, though sonically does not introduce any new elements and works with familiar sounds. I will give this album a 9, as it finds a great balance in the storm it stirs.


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