Saturday, August 10, 2024

TEARDROPS : " Something to Cry About"


This Boston-based punk band is cranking out convincing enough tunes that are rough around the edges. Often I read punk bands being called noise rock because they are burlier and more deliberate than your average punk band. Due to this logic, you might as well call Black Flag a noise rock band. These guys have much more in common with Black Flag than Unsane of Drive Like Jehu, two bands more deserving of the sub-genres nickname. The vocalist for this band has a similar husky bark as Henry Rollins. They are often so energetic the songs run together, it's not until the vocals take on more of a croon for "Promises' that the dynamics shift. Hooks are not really their thing, it seems as if by luck the vocals just happen to fall in the right places. 

"Evil Worm" finds them back in a rowdy Black Flag-like place. This is a really straightforward, meat-and-potatoes kind of punk that finds the chords just being bashed out linearly.  I think here is where it can be hit or miss with me when it comes to punk. First off I need it to be dark. That can sound differently the Dead Boys are dark due to their addictions, whereas the Misfits were dark in a more fun-loving Halloween manner. There is more of a blue-collar feel to this band. They are well-adjusted working dude just pissed enough to play punk. A similar description might describe Frank Turner. 

"in My Sleep" is well written and has enough nuance and melody in the guitar to work for me,. The song coasts along in a manner that is catchier than the bulk of this album. The drumming is more deliberately accented, which leaves room for the vocal to find a more Bad Religion-like purpose. This shows that they can write really catchy songs when they put their minds to it. Overall the band still proves to be pretty effective at what they do, and this album is great if you are looking for some blue-collar punk rock. The guitar playing is smarter than most punk. I will give this album a 9, I enjoyed the listens I gave it even if this sort of thing does not capture what I personally listen for from punk that would be darker and more depressive, but not everyone leans in that direction, so this album should be celebrated for what it is rather than what I would prefer it to be,


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