Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Dreamless Veil : "Every Limb of the Flood"


This super group of sorts is getting some hype as it consists of Inter Arma vocalist Mike Paparo, the guitarist from Artificial Brain, and Dave from Psycrotic on drums. It's more blackened than Inter Arma. The reverb on the vocals and the blasting drums help with this, though the guitar which is oddly mixed back is more angular, while still melodic. There is a flow to the chaos that works well enough. Is it the most original thing I have heard? No. In fact, the second is pretty run-of-the-mill American black metal. American Black Metal feels like it only holds darkness as the obligatory aesthetic to sound cool, holding no actual allegiance to actual darkness as a spiritual force. 

The third song is more aggressive and blasting, but I am already beginning to feel bored with this. I would be more impressed if they were doing something more interesting with melody, but trying to lash out with feral spit in sonic form has been done more authentically already.  This song does find them dip into a more melodic section, but it should not be an afterthought. "Stirring of Flies "unfolds in a dissonant fashion as the guitar forms their hypnotic pulse for the vocals to scowl around. It feels like they are putting more thought into this one. "Cyanide Mine" blasted by without even me much reason to pay attention then when I went back to see what I had missed it turned out not much. 

The title track falls under a similar premise, perhaps marginally more melodic, but equally ineffective at hooking me in. For a song about suicide, I am not getting the kind of depressing vibes I need from that topic. The darker more deliberate pulse to "Glossolalia" works better for my ears. The last song Just Tremolo picks it's way through black metal tropes but it feels empty like there is no sorrow, hatred or lust for evil, its a sound for the sake of a sound, which is not what black metal is about. I will give it a 7.5, kinda bored me as it was less filling, but the executed the sounds they were going for well enough.


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