Saturday, July 13, 2024

Bad Breeding : "Contempt"

The album opens in a manner that sounds like a hard-core vocalist fronting a post-punk band. You might think if left to their own devices they might otherwise sound like Joy Division if left to their own device. Thus the vocals drive the opening track of this album. I need to hunt down more British hard-core as they are kicking pretty well, even when the rest of the band decides to get on the same page as their lead screamer. However, it does not have the same impact as the first song since I have heard this sort of thing before. "Devotion" finds things racing in an even more chaotic punk direction. Even then I like their aggression and the organic full sound of the production that captures all the sounds and puts them right in your face in a confrontational manner hardcore should come from. 

Feedback squeals out from the rowdy corners of "Liberty". 'Discipline' is even more in your face with its almost metallic punch, though they hold fast to the genre's punk roots, rather than most American bands who would have given way to metal. However a minute into this song, the guitars drop out and let the drums take over more deliberately. Given the momentum they gained it was unexpected. It marches out a more droning sonic wall that is impressive in the tidal wave of layered noise it brings. 'Retribution' is banged out with the kind of reckless abandon that brings Idles to mind. They do leave space for experimentation to creep up again midway into "Gilded Cage / Sanctuary"  Samples and minimalist ambiance guitar set the stage. It does ebb and flow back and forth from a more pounding burst. 

The bass line to "Vacant Paradise" creates enough of a stomping groove for the song to be effective and the vocals a solid backbone to rant over. Then things take a darker and more melodic turn going into "Idolatry" which is what the album needs more of to set itself apart even if it is just as an intro. When they drop into the half time things get sonically intense. The burly bass tone leads the tension creeping into the last song. I will give this one a 9, as the willingness to employ sound outside of the box to create darker  moods and atmosphere, sets them apart from the pack, making for a more engaging listen.


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