"Time and Timeless Timeline" finds them charging back into their metal root. Gaahl holds fast and uses restraint by not resorting to screaming over it. "And the Now" finds Gaahl dipping into more nuanced vocal tones, the overall feel of the song is more abstract. The buildup on this song is very interesting and sonically dense. It sounds like you are sailing into a storm. 'Through the Veil" is more of an ambiance interlude, though the title of the song itself encapsulates the theme of this album. "Visions and Time" finds them bringing more metallic tones back. It almost reminds me of Enslaved's more progressive tones, though with a darker more menacing mood. The song takes a great dynamic shift as the guitar playing continues to shine on this album.
"Root the Will' starts off with a thrashing chug and shifts into a swirl of sound. The vocals create more of a droning chant here. The drums and bass hold down the stomping backbone of the song. Vocally the narrative is more crazed sounding in how it's arranged and performed, with no attempts to form to typical songwriting. 'Flowing Starlight" is the album's most goth moment as it is not far removed from what Fields of the Nephilim does. An almost psychedelic tone to the guitar helps set the stage for this.Gaahl's voice sounds great on this and I love how his vocals are produced here. I will give this album a 9.5, and see how it grows on me. If you have been into his other work outside of Gorgoroth then you should like this album as well. This drops on Season of Mist on June 6th.
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