Saturday, January 18, 2025

Enemy Inside : "Venom"


The new wave of nu-metal is coming packaged as metalcore, Some of it is injected with more pop than others, and you can include bands like Spiritbox, I do not care how brutally the scream for girls, remember "Roots" is a nu-metal album, so it gets reasonably heavy at the time. This band's new album's title track carries some pop hooks. It's well written. "Should Have Known Better" rides the fine line between In This Moment and Katy Perry.  It's well done even if it is not the most original thing I have heard all month. I like dark pop music, so it works fine for me even with the big production and the multilayered screaming, 

"Sayonara" finds them aligning with anime culture, on a very surface level. It's not quite as catchy as the previous songs. 'What We Used to Be" is moodier and a very Paramore-like power ballad, with the big arena rocking chorus. "Fuck This Party" features the singer from Clawfinger, doing the nu-metal rap-bark. It's one of the catchier pop songs. I prefer watching the video so just listening to these guys when the opportunity, as their singer makes things visually interesting, which is another similarity to Katy Perry.  "Dirt on My Name" features the singer from a Siamese band. It features a similar pop-rock formula. 

'Don't Call Me an Angel" fits in the same mold that has become popular for this kind of thing since bands like New Year's Day refined what In This Moment does into a more refined pop formula. This works until "Innocent' and then it begins to sound like they are just punching the clock to milk the formula. Before you to tell me that s just isn't my thing, you are only half right, as I do like In This Moment, New Year's Day, and Holy Wars. So I Need to hear more individualized personality that sets you apart as a band. I also really like Issues, and the guitar on "Unburn" hits kinda like what they used to do. However, the vocal approach on the chorus goes back to when Evanescence helped birth this nu-metal sub-genre.

"I'd Rather Be Dead" is a pop song that Davey Suicide just happens to make an appearance. There is a guitar solo that is pretty decent on this song as well. "Let Me Go" might be the album's most pop-drenched moment. I like that her vocal is more nuanced on this one. I'll give this an 8.5, it's a fun album though follows the formula too closely for my personal tastes, but kids into this sort of thing will dig it. It drops on February 28th. 

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