Sunday, February 18, 2024

Black Metal History Month - Vemod : "the Deepening"


This Norweigan band is not hung up on being trve Norweigan black metal. They blend more folky sounds into the ambiance of their atmospheric tension. There is a dynamic ebb and flow to their sound that allows for atmosphere in a manner that does not pigeonhole them into being just Atmospheric black metal. Sure the first actual song is thirteen minutes long, but they keep things interesting enough that it does not fade into a drone.''True North Beckons"  has a cold march to it, that builds into a buzz. I like the organic way it feels like they begin to jam out with an almost "Stranglehold" feel.  The drumming is really tasteful here. 

Then some moments take the jamming and run wild with it. Though not in a priggish manner. It would make for a fun live show, as you rarely hear this kind of exploration from a black metal band. Most of the time black metal needs to hold onto the tension and keep it in your face rather than relax from it and wander like this. 

They close the album with the massive title track that pushes past the sixteen-minute mark. The song starts off with actual singing before the growls come in. This is a different way to approach the formula. The song simmers with distant tremolo-picked guitars. It is more metal in its intentions, with jam finding another way around the black metal core it dances around. The drums help dictate the progress of this song, which finds a balance between the more droning elements of black metal and the jammy tendencies of this band that help to give this a more organic rock feel. I will give this album a 9.5, as it feels like it is a black metal album for stoners which can be appreciated. Released on Prophecy Productions. 


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