Friday, August 25, 2023

Drab Majesty : "An Object in Motion"

The new EP from the neo-goth oddity known as Drab Majesty opens with an ethereal ballad. Rachel Goswell from Slowdive lends her voice. It is less of a duet and more of another level of atmosphere to build off of. There is a Robert Smith like introspection to the song's mood for sure. Not sure that an instrumental comprised of just finger picked guitar is the best use of an already compressed format. Even on a full length it would feel like an interlude that is just filling up time. Anyone who plays guitar could do similar just fooling around to warm up their fingers. 

The mood of the previous song is carried over into "Yield to Force". The intro drones on for . While this does create a mood I am not sure it warrants being dragged on for son long as it gets boring after the first five minutes. Then the rest of the time you find yourself staring at the time tick down ,as you wonder when something is actually going to to happen. Drone is not what you show up for when you go into an album by this project , though it is what they are serving up this time around. If you are a major fan of the band and hoping this is going to be something that will hold you over until they release another proper album, I can imagine this will bring mixed emotions. 

"the Skin and the Glove" was probably more along the lines of what you were expecting. The vocals coast long this dream pop ditty with the lower baritone vocals mixed in the background as a counterpoint for the swirl of airy sound . The two real songs on this EP  work really well and deliver what you want form this project but from another angle. However if  this had been released in the days where you were buying physical product, it would have been a disappointment. I will give this a 7.5 as the song that are here work, they just waster your time with bloated ambiance for the rest of the album. 

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