Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A Very Special Episode : "Freak Me Out"


This project from New York intersects genres in a very interesting manner. The vocals of Kasey Heisler are infectious as any pop singer, while draped against the backdrop of grooving post-punk that lays the atmosphere on thick. I would not call this dream pop as there is a bit more drive to it. "Deep in the Weeds" has an almost sultry blues rock undertone to it. The more upbeat "5 Dollar Cover" is one of the lead singles from the album. It is driven by her bass playing, with gang vocals joining in for the chorus. When you think of singles you expect for things to be overtly hooky, perhaps even poppy, but it was just another song, In fact I think I preferred the more punk paced  "Strobes" 

Even then I do not feel you get a proper glimpse into what they are capable of until "Neon Stars" which is my favorite song thus far. It is cosmic in it/s dynamic soaring. It reminds me a little of the Gathering. "Cabin Fever" finds the more sonic depth of post-punk happening. The guitars are jagged as the drums pound on in a manner not unlike Bauhaus. They contrast this with a more timid indie rock duet on "Perfect Rain". For every more awkwardly reserved moment they come back to slap it out of the park with a song like "Crisis" which uses more hard rocking power to fuel the melody. 

There is a purposefully weird mix to "Poison". It works for what they are trying to do. There is a mix of post-rock elements and 90s al rock leanings. By the time we get to the last song it is clear , the drummer is the band's biggest fan of post-punk, everyone else brings more of a 90s rock element to things. I will round this up to a 9, as they made the album they set out to and when they go big on the dynamics everything feels right. Her voice is pretty powerful and the band proves themselves more than capable. Overll more moody rock than punk, but they do pack a punch when it is time to come to blows. 

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