Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Life Abuse: "Systemization"


This metallic punk band delivers an aggressive thrashing. They know what they are doing thanks to the fact that this band comprises underground luminaries such as Self Defense Family, Male Patterns, Libyans, Devoid of Faith, and Limp Wrist.  I like the late 80s and early 90s hard-core feel, that finds dark angular metal riffs giving it more mood and depth. The brooding of "Life Cycle' offers a more emotive sonic shadow lurking under the rage the instruments want to expel this also offers a little more dynamic range to help set them apart from the 1,2,3, go !... style of punk. 

"Systemization" has a more thrash metal feel that collides, with a more  Minor Threat vibe. On a song like "Give Rise" when they give into their defiant anger, it is less original than some of the more metal-flavored moments. It's still pretty legit, but more along what you expect from the stereotypical hard-core. The mean bass tone that opens "Poisoned Chalice' rocks pretty hard, and this gives the song a little room to breathe. While the vocals are at a consistent bark, the guitar carries most of this album's melodic responsibilities. This hard-core style does not normally prioritize melody, but I am big on setting the same expectations for every genre of music since at the end of the day it's about writing songs.  

It's impressive that "Threnody" was recorded in this day and age, as it almost sounds like death rock, or at the very least Die Kruezen.  "Reconciliation" has more of a crust edge to it. The bass helps create an almost Killing Joke-like tension before things get street-wise and reckless. The more deliberate moments are the album's strongest. When they charge at you on "Chosen Path" they sound more like everyone else and lose the unique identity that gives this album its charm. I will give this album a 9, it's one of the more solid takes on bringing old-school hard core into the present day.


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