Friday, July 5, 2024

Lucta : "Eterna Lotta"


This crusty punk band from Italy brings it with a darker cloud over their heads. The songs are short bursts of angry exclamations. Sometimes the riffs managed to clamp down on tension, most of the time, it's just an outburst. The production is raw, but it brings a charm to their overall sound. The guitar tone is pretty bleak and sounds great. I am four songs in before I realize how much of a one-trick pony their singer is as she shouts all the lyrics in her native tongue. Normally this would be a case of more of a sound dialed in than songwriting, but they somehow keep a balance. It is just one of those happy accidents where everything somehow falls into place. 

They offer more of an uptempo beating on "Incubus" which has some darker layers, which is fitting considering what the song's subject matter would be. They prove they can get the job done in one minute just fine. When their anger is more deliberate and they are using things like taunt palm muted riffs to get the point across they are working at the top of their game. At times the guitars flirt with chaos, but they largely fall tightly in place even when bringing the chaos. 

There are moments when they just collapse into convention. The second half of the album finds more of the songs adhering to a formula steering their energy toward this sort of thing. The title track closes the album and it's thankfully more deliberate. I will round this album down to an 8.5 , which still puts them above most punk bands these days, They capture the right mood more often than not. This dropped on Static Shock Records


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